Workspace FAQ

Here you will find guides and tips & tricks on how to use the recruitment tool Workspace Recruit. There are both short video clips and text with pictures to make it easier for you. Here you will also find frequently asked questions and answers to the problems you may encounter. 

Of course, it's fine to contact us if you need support!

To get a login so you can start recruiting in Workspace Recruit, you can either ask a colleague who already has a login and Company Admin authorization to add you.

Otherwise, you are always welcome to contact us at support and we will help you!

To see how to add new users, look at the section Company settings > Add new user.

When you are added as a user in Workspace, an email is automatically sent to the email address that was entered. The activation email has a sender 

In the email there is a button/link that takes you to a form where you fill in your name, mobile number and choose a password yourself.

Logging into Workspace Recruit requires two-factor authentication. It is via SMS code and Google Authenticator.

If you want to use SMS code
You just need to make sure you have entered a mobile number with country code EX. +46701234567. You will then receive an SMS with a code when you log in.

If you want to use Google Authenticator
Click the "Set up Authenticator" button and follow the steps on the next page. When you log in, a code is generated to log into the app.

Click on save, now you are ready to log into Workspace. Welcome!


Check if the email accidentally got stuck in the junk or spam basket.

Ask the person who added you as a user to ensure that the correct email was entered.

Should the activation email need to be sent out again, it is only for the person who added you to click the button with a letter and it will be sent out again.

Should you still not receive the email, you are most welcome to contact us at and we will help you.

To log in as a Company user, first ensure that the correct tab is selected (Company). Enter your email registered to your user and the password you chose during activation and log in. Welcome!

Happens easily! You can easily reset your password by going to the log in page click on Forgot password? Enter your e-mail registered in Workspace and then click Send. Don't forget to choose the right type of user, Company if you are a company user and Candidate if you are a candidate

Follow the link in the email you receive and enter a new password in the form.

This may be because the mobile number was entered incorrectly or in the wrong format during activation. If you are unsure whether you entered the correct mobile number, we can easily change it for you, just contact us and we will sort it out.

It may also be due to the fact that you are abroad or in a place with poorer coverage, it may then take a while before the SMS arrives and it may also depend on which mobile operator you use, which may temporarily have operational disruptions.

You have the option to change the authentication method to Google Authenticator, but this requires you to be logged in to Workspace, see the guide for changing the method below: How do I change log in method?

If you use Google Authenticator

Start by logging into Workspace Recruit and then click on your user in the menu. Then click on Security and see the options available. Click the "Disable" button next to Authenticator app. Now you will receive an SMS code to your registered mobile number instead!

If you use SMS code

Start by downloading Google authenticator to your mobile

Download for Andriod      Download for iOS

Then log in with your SMS code and click on your user in the menu. Click on Security and then on the Set up button next to Authentication app.

A window opens with a QR code you scan with your mobile phone inside the app. Follow the instructions and click Finish. Clear!

The next time you log in, open the app that generates a code for logging in.

Click on the button New recruitment +. If you are connected to more than one company, select from the drop-down list which company you want to create a recruitment for:

Now enter the recruitment title, then click on Create. The recruitment is now created and you are taken on to the recruitment project.

If you want to copy an already created recruitment, click on the drop-down list at Template for recruitment and select which recruitment you want to copy and then Create. Then, among other things, ad text, the information, and all recruitment columns are copied.

In this step, you also choose whether you want the candidates who apply to be anonymized or not. If so, activate the slider for Competence-based recruitment. You can read more about this function in the section: Competency-based recruitment- Anonymization


It is optional to specify who is primarily responsible for the recruitment being set up. And that's internal information only. But it makes it possible to keep track and be able to filter your recruitment list based on who is set as responsible for the recruitment.

Enter Responsible Recruiter

Here you specify the responsible recruiter, which can also be adjusted under the Recruitment and Information tab within the recruitment process itself. Only Enterprise users can be added as Responsible Recruiter.

Filter the recruitment list based on Responsible Recruiter

In your recruitment list, you can then filter based on Responsible Recruiter to easily sort out your own or colleagues' recruitments

In the editing window that appears, fill in the Recruitment information: Category, Country, County & city, Language, Application deadline and logo. Then click Save.

Country is always mandatory. And if you are going to publish in Social media or Advertising packages, the county and city are also mandatory.

The date you set is the date the job ad is automatically unpublished (if it is a shorter time period than the publication channel you selected)

Ad package: Published for up to 60 days
Social media: Published for up to 30 days


Click on Job ad text in the side menu. To create the ad content, you can use ad templates or write/paste text directly into the ad text box. Read more about ad templates in the next section.

Edit the ad text through the toolbar similar to standard text editors. Resize headings, change color of text, bold, italic, numbered list, bulleted list, link to website or document in your document bank, insert image and YouTube video. The circle arrows are undo and redo.

When you are satisfied with the ad, click Save.

Add & adjust image

Place the cursor where you want the image to be inserted and click the icon with an image on it in the toolbar and the document bank will appear. Select the image you want and then on Choose file. If you want to know more about how the Document Bank works, see the section Document bank

To adjust the image hover over the image and a toolbar will appear. The button with arrows outward expands the image to full width, the button with arrows inward reduces the image to original size. You can adjust so that the image ends up on the left, center or right. And the trash can deletes the image.

Add a youtube video

Go to and the video you want to add to the ad, copy the link (URL) of the video. Go back to the ad editor in Workspace and click on the YouTube icon and a box will appear where you paste the link to your YouTube video. Clear! The trash can removes the Youtube video in the ad.

Let our AI inspire and help you write your job ad!

Start by entering a few keywords in the field that describes the role and the person you are looking for and then click the "generate ad" button

The AI ​​starts working and writes a job advertisement in Swedish or English, depending on which language you set as the recruitment language.

In the text editor, the job advertisement appears, and now you can make the adjustments you wish to make just as usual. Don't forget to save before moving on to the next tab.

You create ad templates by saving the ad text you wrote. Click on the plus sign at Ad template name the template and choose whether you want to save the template to Company so all users can use the template or i My templates if only you will have access to the template. Then click on Add.  If you want to save changes you made to a template, click the button with a floppy disk.

You can customize the fields in the application form to suit the way you work and receive applications. All fields can be customized except name, email and phone number, these are always mandatory. The fields below can be changed, removed and more added.

Edit a field

Click the pen and make the adjustments you want to make, rename/ask a question, change the type of field, choose whether the field should be required or not by dragging the slider, then click the green tick to save.

Delete a field

Click on the trash can to the right of the pen.

Add a new field

Click on Add field + and choose which field you want to use:

Short answer: The candidate writes a short answer themself. Suitable for e.g. Short motivation why the candidate is applying for the position.

Long answer: The candidate can write a long answer.

Multi choice: The candidate can choose more options. Suitable if you have a question where the candidate states several skills, e.g. What languages ​​he knows.

Drop down: The candidate can choose only one of the options. Suitable if the question can only have one answer, e.g. Yes or No.

File upload: The candidate can upload files. Fits e.g. good for if the candidate is to attach his portfolio.

Header: Only a header.

Number: Fields where only numbers can be entered.

Add & create an application form from a template

You can use and create application form templates. You create a template by designing the application form as usual. Then click on the plus in the section Form template, name the template and click Add. The template is now in the drop-down list and the next time you create a recruitment, you can use the template.

Add & create form fields from template

You can also add and create templates for individual form fields. Create the field as usual and then click on the plus, name the template for the field and click Add.

You can now use the template by clicking on Add filed from template + and select which field you want to add to the application form.

Don't forget to click on Save before moving on to the next tab!

Here you activate the notifications you wish to receive related to the recruitment. The notices are personal, so if you have colleagues who are also added as authorized on the recruitment, they themselves need to go in and activate the notices they want.

For more info, watch the video below:


In the tab Email templates you can customize the email that automatically goes out to the candidate when they have submitted their application to recruitment. Choose Confirmation email application in the drop-down list and edit the template that appears. The blue markings with # automatically retrieves information from the recruitment.

#recruitment retrieves the recruitment title.

#company retrieves the company name.

#information is the information the candidate provided in the application form.

Don't forget to click on Save if you made any changes.

If there are more of you who should have access to the recruitment, click on Users. In the list of users at the company, you now click on which permission the colleague should have.

Company Admin:
The user automatically has authorization to all recruitments that are created and can edit the recruitment and manage candidates.

Recruitment admin:
Eligibility for the recruitment. The user can edit in recruitment, publish/unpublish the ad, edit in the recruitment columns, manage candidates, assign user access to that recruitment. The user who creates the recruitment automatically becomes Recruitment admin.

Eligibility for the recruitment. Can only manage candidates such as, read CVs, rank candidates, move candidates between recruitment stages, communicate with candidates, etc.

View only::
Eligibility for the recruitment. The user can only read the applications but not edit, rank, comment or communicate with the candidates.

The user has not authorization and cannot see the recruitment.


Du hittar publiceringsmenyn och de publiceringskanaler du har tillgängliga antingen vi att klicka på Publicering knappen eller att gå direkt via fliken rekrytering, se här:

Du klickar i Choose i de publiceringskanaler du vill aktivera och publicera med en gång.

Vill du Schemalägga publiceringen, klicka på Schemalägg and fill in the publication date you want the job advertisement to be published.

Then click Spara ändringar

and a dialog box appears where you can see what changes you have made.


Read and accept the terms and conditions by clicking in the box I agree to the terms and then Confirm changes.

Nu är annonsen publicerad/schemalagd.

Ad package
Publish your ad on some of Sweden's largest jobseeker sites. For example. Monster, Blocket job, Engineer job, Indeed and many more.

Social media
Publish your ad on Workspace Recruit's website under Vacancies and as a targeted campaign on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Job portal
For customers who have a job portal or career page via Workspace Recruit. The advertisement is only displayed on your website in the portal, i.e. your own vacant job list.

Publish your job advertisement on Arbetsförmedlingen's location bank. Link your own account with the Employment Agency or use the recruitment company's account if you do not have your own account with the Employment Agency. Read more about how to make the connection in the section Platsbanken

Workspace Recruit
Publish your job ad on our own website on the vacancies page at

Hidden publication
Publish the ad hidden, i.e. it is only available via direct link. Suitable for internal recruitment.

For those who are customers via Poolia, Qrios or Uniflex, there are also other advertising packages and publishing channels. Ask your contact what applies and which channels you have access to.

Workspace Recruit offers two different Ad packages for job posting Free job posting and Paid job postingBoth Ad Packages have their advantages and disadvantages, the Free Ad Package is only available to you with a Workspace Premium license. 

Free job posting  

Med vårt kostnadsfria annonspaket erbjuds du möjligheten att publicera jobbannonser utan kostnad på Monster Global, och Paketet uppdateras löpande med jobbsökarsidor för att kunna erbjuda det bästa kostnadsfria alternativen.

With completed connection, advertising is also offered at Arbetsförmedlingen. Read more about how to make the connection to Arbetsförmedlingen in the section Platsbanken. 

Den The big advantage of Free job posting is of course the cost savings. However, it does not offer the same reach and visibility as paid advertising. The application procedure and the candidate's journey are more administratively demanding, which means that the applicant needs to spend more time in the application process, i.a. to registration of personal data. 

Paid job posting 

The paid advertising package is traditional job advertising on Monster, Blocket Jobb, Jobbsafari and industry-specific job sites such as NetJobs, ingengörsjobb, etc. 

Paid job posting offers much greater exposure, smoother application process for the candidates, better placement and visibility which increases the chance of attracting more and more qualified candidates. 

Job ads are automatically unpublished on the application deadline you set in recruitment settings.

If you want to unpublish the job advertisement earlier than the application deadline, do the following:

Click the Publish button and the publishing menu will open. click Avpublicera in the channels that are published.


Click save and accept the changes. Done.

It can take up to 24 h before your changes take effect on all sites.

When you are ready to end your recruitment, either when you have found your candidate or if you need to cancel/close a recruitment prematurely. Do the following:

If the job ad is still published:

Start by clicking the Publish button and the publishing menu will open. Click Unpublish in the channels that are published. Click save and accept the changes. 

When you drag a candidate to the "Hired" column

A pop-up will automatically appear where you can choose to continue with your recruitment or if you want to end it.

If you click Finish your recruitment is completed and archived. If you click on Looking for more, the pop-up closes and the recruitment is still active.

Archive a recruitment

Click the Finish button next to the Publish button. A pop-up will appear, click Finish. And the recruitment is now finished and archived.

Archived recruitments are hidden in your recruitment list unless you have activated the slider so that these are loaded. Read more about this in the next section.

When a recruitment is completed and archived, the publish button is disabled with the text Archived:

You can resume an archived recruitment at any time. Click the Resume button, a pop-up will appear with the choice to cancel or to resume. Click on resume and you can continue with the recruitment.

Archived recruitments are automatically hidden in your recruitment list. But you can completely load these via the filtering menu.

Click the arrow next to the search field to open the filtering menu and activate the toggle Load finished recruitments


If you only want to see the archived ones, you can refine your filtering by clicking that you only want to see Completed under Status

Publish your job advertisement directly on the Employment Agency via Workspace Recruit. How to use:

  1. Log in as an employer at arbetsfö

  2. Go to

  3. Click on submit interest

  4. Fill in contact information (main contact person and technical contact person)

  5. Check the option System from...(specify supplier)

  6. Type "Workspace Recruit" in the "Type of system" field

  7. Click send.

Atbetsförmedlingen then makes a laying on of hands to approve. This usually happens within 24 hours.

Once approved by the Employment Agency. Log in to Workspace Recruit and to Company Settings.

In the field for Customer number AMS, enter your customer number (8 digits) you have with the Employment Agency, click save. Now it is ready and activated.

To be able to publish your job advertisement on Platsbanken, you need to fill in special information in the tab Kanalinställningar and Platsbanken (Sweden's Public Employment Service).

Alla fält är obligatoriska. Rekryteringstitel och annonstext plockas automatiskt upp från rekryteringen.

Don't forget to click on save.

To publish

Click on Publicering and check the publishing channel Platsbanken, either Choose or Scheduled. Click Save and accept the changes. It can take up to 24 hours before the publication goes through.

För en social mediakampanj på facebook, Instagram och LinkedIn har vi en mall där du lägger in innehållet den ska ha.

En kampanj består av dessa delar:


Annonstiteln är förifylld från din rekryteringstitel. Men du kan givetvis ändra denna till önskad titel. Din rekryteringstitel kommer inte automatiskt ändras utan de hanteras separat.

Job ad text

Annonstext finns det också en förifylld text du kan använda. Men vi skulle rekommenderat att du ändrar denna till något mer personligt som lockar de kandidater ni vill. Detta är en kort text som ska få dina kandidater intresserade att läsa mer om jobbet och hela jobbannonsen som de kommer till när de klickar sig vidare från kampanjen.

Texten får max vara 200 tecken inkl. mellanslag.

Tänk på!

Meta tenderar att blocka vissa annonstexter som de tror strider mot deras annonspolicy. De tenderar till exempel att blocka annonser som de tror handlar om hållbarhet eller sociala frågor. Undvik att använda ord eller ordkombinationer som:

  • Hållbarhet, Global uppvärmning, grön energi m.m.
  • Arbeta, hemifrån
  • Väx, utvecklas, dig, oss


Det är inlagt en exempelbild i behållaren för annonsbild. Vi rekommenderar att du laddar upp en egen från din dokumentbank.

Tänk på att ladda upp önskad bild på antingen Rekryteringsnivå eller Företagsnivå och att bilden är tillgänglig externt.

För bästa bildupplevelse rekommenderas minsta storlek: 1200 x 627 px (ratio 16:9)

Max 10 MB. JPG, JPEG, och PNG stöds.

Tänk på!

Meta tenderar att blocka kampanjer med bilder som innehåller text eller emblem.



Loggan som visas i kampanjen i behållaren för logga plockas automatisk från ”Logga 1” i rekryteringsinställnigar och fliken Information:


Du kan publicera en social mediakampanj måndagar, tisdagar och onsdagar. Övriga dagar kan du schemalägga kampanjen.

Detta är för att Facebook, Instagram och LinkedIn ska kunna ta emot kampanjen, granska den, godkänna den och generera delbara länkar innan helgen.

Observera att röda dagar påverkar ledtiderna.

Kampanjen genereras och publiceras som regel inom 24 timmar, men vi förbehåller oss rätten att det kan dröja längre i vissa fall.

När kampanjen är publicerad och live får du som vanlig ett mejl med information kring kampanjerna och delbara länkar.

Redigera i efterhand

Efter du publicerat kampanjen via publiceringskanalen ”Sociala medier annonsering”. Låses möjligheten att redigera innehållet i kampanjen. 

Skulle du behöva ändra något efter publicering behöver du kontakta oss på supporten inom 24 timmar på

Skulle du redan fått mejlet med de delbara länkarna är möjligheten att redigera kampanjen låst.


Avbryt kampanj

Skulle du vilja avbryta publiceringen behöver du kontakta oss på supporten inom 24 timmar från tidpunkten du gjorde publiceringen och meddela oss detta så kan vi avbryta kampanjen.

Click on the title in the column and enter a new title. Your changes are saved automatically.

Click with the mouse pointer on the four arrows in the right corner, hold down the mouse pointer and drag the column to the desired position and release the mouse pointer.

Click the button with a plus, a new column titled New step is created

Click on the trash can icon in the right corner. If there are candidates in a column, it cannot be deleted. The column must be empty to be deleted.

Du kan komprimera dina kolumner genom att klicka på ikonen med överstruket öga. Då minimeras kolumnen. Vill du visa kolumnen igen klickar du på ikonen med ögat i den minimierade kolumnen.

If you want to start a competency-based recruitment and anonymize the candidates' applications that come in, click the slider at Competency-based recruitment 

The candidates who apply will then receive an alias instead of their name and the CV will be blocked where personal data that reveals name, age, gender, origin etc. So that you can focus on competences instead of background. The icon in the column indicates that anonymization is enabled

If you want to de-anonymize candidates in a column, click on the icon and approve the de-anonymization. You can then see the candidates as usual with names etc.

Start by clicking the button Create questionnaire, then a box titled "New Questionnaire" is created which is the container for all the questions you want to enter in the form. You can create as many forms as you want.

Click on the newly created box which will take you to the form builder where you will build your form. 

In the field under Heading you can name your form.

To add a question, click + Add field and a new field is created where you can enter your question and choose the type of field it should be.

If you want to set the question as mandatory, activate the slider at Required

A header without an answer, this option is good if you want to divide your form into different sections or themes of the questions.

Let the candidates enter an answer to the question themselves.

Drop down
The candidate can only select one option from a drop-down list, suitable for forced answer questions.

Radio button
The candidate can only choose one answer option, suitable for YES/NO questions.

Multi choice
Ask the candidate to check several options, suitable e.g. asking about desired working hours and the candidate is interested in both full-time, part-time and extra work.

1-5 rating
Ask the candidate to grade on a scale of 1-5, where only one option can be selected.

A field where the candidate can only enter numbers as answers. 

Number interval
Two fields where the candidate can only enter numbers. Suitable, for example questions about salary claims.

To change the order of your questions, grab the dots on the left edge of the question with your mouse pointer, and drag-drop it where you want it to be.

If you want to delete a question, click on the red trash can on the right.

Save the entire form as a template

To save your forms as templates and be able to reuse them, click + next to Form template.

Name the template and choose where to save it. My templates - if only you as a user should have access to it or Company templates if your colleagues should also be able to use it.

Finish by clicking Add. Now you can find it in the drop-down list under Form Templates.


Save individual questions as templates

You can also save individual questions as a template. Click the + next to the trash can, name the template, and lastly Add.

You will find your templates for individual questions and can add them to your form via the Add from template button

To update or delete the templates, load the template you want to edit and use the trashcan to delete and the diskette to save changes.

Send out questionnaires to several candidates at the same time

Go to the view where you see all the candidates in the recruitment columns. Tick ​​the candidates you want to send out to.

Click the button in the toolbar with a document. A pop-up appears where you choose which form you want to send and which message they receive in connection with the form. Click send.


Send out questionnaires to individual candidates

Go to the candidate's application click on the menu in the left corner and select Questionnaire from the menu.

Select which form you want to send in the drop-down list and adjust the message that is sent out in connection with the form just like in the example above and then click send.

When the candidates have then answered the form, you will be able to access the answers via the Questionnaire tab on their application.

If you and your colleagues need to, you can comment on the different answers via the comment button that you will find in the bottom right corner of each question.

If you want to edit or delete one of your comments, click the button with three dots and choose either edit or delete.

Received applications are collected in the column Received. The applications that are unread have a thin blue line around them.

The date in the right corner is the date the application was submitted.

The icons in the lower right corner:

Hover over to get a quick view or click on the icon to open the different modules and take a closer look.

The wand
Shows if any automation rules exist or are running on the candidate. If it lights up red, there are unconfirmed rules. If it is dark blue, the rule has been run.

The document
Shows how many comments there are on the candidate.

The speech bubble
Shows how many messages have gone out between you and the candidate.


To read an application, click on the candidate card and the candidate's application documents and contact information will be displayed.

In the column on the left, you see everything the candidate filled in on the application form and which date they applied. You can rate the candidate by clicking as many stars as you want to give. If there are more of you collaborating on the recruitment, your average grade is shown next to it.

If the candidate has applied for more positions at your company, it is visible under Other recruitments. You only see the positions applied for by the candidate for which you are authorized.

In the hamburger menu in the top left corner there are a number of different actions you can take with the candidate. More detailed information can be found further down the page.

On the right you see all the files the candidate uploads in their application, eg CV and Personal letter. In the toolbar in the dark bar, you can easily search for keywords in the files, browse if the file contains more pages, enlarge the text, print and download it as PDF.



You easily move candidates between the different columns with drag'n'drop. Click and hold the mouse pointer on the candidate you want to move and drag it to the desired column.

You can also move several candidates at the same time by ticking the checkbox in the left corner of the candidate card and in the same way click and hold down the mouse pointer on one of the candidate cards and drag to the desired column.

You can also move a candidate to another column inside the candidate view. Click on the small arrow in the navigation bar and choose which step you want to move the candidate to.

The progress bar increases the closer you move candidates to the employee column and shows green when a candidate is placed in the Employee column.


You can write notes and comments about the candidate's application by clicking the button Comments. Anyone with access to the recruitment can view and write comments. They are for internal use only - nothing is visible to the candidate.



You can send e-mails and text messages to the candidate, provided that he entered the correct e-mail and mobile number in the application. click the button Messages then the dialog box appears for all communications you had with the candidate.

Click on the icon with a letter and select Send as email or Send as SMS.

Choose whether you want the candidate to be able to reply or not to the message that is sent.

Choose to write a new message or select a message template. You can also create your own email templates under My Templates. Create the message and then click on the green plus, name the template and then Save.

Compose or make changes to the message, use the if you want to automatically retrieve information from the recruitment or the candidate.

Click on the paper clip if you want to attach a file, either from your document bank or upload a file from your computer.

Click the clock to schedule when the message will be sent.

When you're done, click the button with a paper airplane and agree to send the message.

Both responses via email and SMS from the candidate will be visible in this message view so you can easily keep track of all communication that takes place with the candidate like a chat.


In the overview view of the entire recruitment process, select the candidates you want to send a message to by clicking in the small box in the left corner of the candidates you want to contact.

Then click on the icon with a letter.

The box for sending a message opens and you see at the top how many candidates you are sending a message to. Click on the icon with a letter and select Send as email or Send as SMS..

Choose whether you want the candidate to be able to reply or not to the message that is sent.

Compose a new message or choose one of the message templates.

Make use of if you want to automatically retrieve information from the recruitment or the candidate. This is very useful when you send a message to several candidates at the same time as each candidate then gets their own name in the email there #firstname specified e.g.

Click the clock to schedule when the message will be sent.

When you're done, click on Send and agree to send the message. A dialog box showing the status of how many of the candidates the message is successfully sent to is displayed.


There are four different levels for creating email templates CompanyRecruitment, My templates and Standard.

Company templates: Are templates that all users have access to

Recruitment templates: Are templates only those who have access to the recruitment can use

My templates: Only you have access to your own templates

Standard: Are standard templates we at Workspace Recruit provide

You can edit a candidate's application documents. Go to the candidate in question and click on the hamburger menu in the left corner and then the button with a pen and edit the desired information in the box that appears, don't forget to click Save.

To delete an application, click on the hamburger menu and on the trash can and accept the deletion in the dialog box that appears.


Go to the candidate you want to copy. Click on the hamburger menu and on the document with an arrow, in the box that appears, select which company and which recruitment the candidate should be copied to.


Click on Copy and agree to send the message to the candidate informing them that their application is now also on the second recruitment.

Only the candidate's application documents are copied, comments and previous messages are not copied.


Go to the recruitment you want to add a candidate to and click the button with a figure and a plus.

In the box that appears, fill in the candidate's information, finish by clicking Add. Approve that an email will go out to the candidate that he has been added as an applicant to the recruitment.


If you do not want to let in the client who is the client to see the entire recruitment project and all candidates who have applied. Can you do a candidate division instead? Then only the selected candidates and their application documents are displayed and possibly uploaded files and your comments you have written.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that the customer who will see the candidate share has been assigned a user to Workspace. If not add the customer as user but do not give anyone eligibility but leave these blank both at company level and recruitment level.

Tick ​​the candidates you want to show to the customer and then the button with three figures and a ceiling

Name the candidate sharing so that it becomes clear to the customer which recruitment it is about and click Create

To invite a customer to the candidate sharing, first click on the plus next to "Shared with"

Select from the list of added users who should have access to the candidate share and click Add. 

The user now receives an email that they have a candidate share to look at. They can also be found on the first page when they log in under the recruitment list "Shared candidates"

If you need to remove added users on the candidate share, hover over the user and then hover over the trash can

To add more candidates to the candidate share, click the button with a figure and + and select the candidates you want to add to the share via the list and then Add


To remove a candidate, click on the red trash can in the candidate card of the candidate you want to remove from the share

All comments written on the candidate that are open (ie not consultant comments) are visible in the comments module. This makes it easy to communicate with the customer via the candidate sharing as you can both take part in the comments that are written. these are also visible on the candidate in the recruitment project.


If you want to delete the candidate share after you and the customer are done with it, delete it by clicking the trash can button here:


You can book a candidate for a meeting, e.g. interview via the Workspace Calendar. To create a meeting invitation, do the following:

Go to the candidate you want to book and click on + in the box Booked meetings

Now the window appears where you add times and write the invitation. click + Add appointments

In the calendar view that appears, click the date and time you want to create a meeting invitation. Make adjustments for the time with start and end time and then click on Confirm. In the calendar, you now see boxes in blue which times you created with bookable meeting invitations. When you have added the times you want, click on Confirm times

If you need to remove a time, click on the dustbin in the list of times you added. And if you want to add more times, click on + Add appointments

The title and description for the appointment in the calendar are pre-populated, but you can change both of these. If you want, you can also edit the invitation that goes out to the candidate with the meeting invitation. When you're done, click Book

The candidate will now receive an email where they can confirm the time or choose which time suits them from the options you sent. You can see which appointment the candidate has booked in your calendar and in the candidate profile you can see which appointment the candidate booked

You can send out meeting invitations to several candidates at the same time via Workspace, where the candidates can then choose one of the times offered. A meeting invitation can only be booked by one candidate, so it is first come, first served. As soon as a candidate has booked in one of the times, that booking option disappears for the other candidates. How to use:

Go to the relevant recruitment and tick the candidates you want to book in for an interview. Then click the button with a calendar

Now the window appears where you add times and write the invitation. click + Add appointments

In the calendar view that appears, click the date and time you want to create a meeting invitation. Make adjustments for the time with start and end time and then click on Confirm. In the calendar, you now see boxes in blue which times you created with bookable meeting invitations. When you have added the times you want, click on Confirm times

If you need to remove a time, click on the dustbin in the list of times you added. And if you want to add more times, click on + Add appointments

The title and description for the appointment in the calendar are pre-populated, but you can change both of these. If you want, you can also edit the invitation that goes out to the candidates with the meeting times. When you're done, click Book

The candidates now receive an email where they can book in one of the times. As said, it is first come, first served, as soon as an appointment is booked by a candidate, none of the other candidates can book that appointment.

You can see which appointment was booked by which candidate in your calendar and in the candidate profile you can see which appointment the candidate booked


You can sync the Workspace calendar and the bookings you make there with your Outlook calendar.

ATTENTION! How you do it in Outlook differs depending on which variant you use.

Open your Workspace calendar via the menu on the left and then click on the hamburger menu in the top right corner

Choose Synchronize then a window appears where you copy the link to your Workspace calendar: Copy to Clipboard

Go to your Outlook Calendar and click on + Add Calendar and choose From internet...

In the dialog that appears, paste the link you copied in Workspace and click OK

In the next dialog box that appears, you can click on Advanced... to name the calendar connection. And to approve the sync, click on Yes

You can now see the calendar in the list of your calendars in Outlook.


You can sync the Workspace calendar and the bookings you make there with your Google Calendar.

Open your Workspace calendar via the menu on the left and then click on the hamburger menu in the top right corner

Choose Synchronize then a window appears where you copy the link to your Workspace calendar: Copy to Clipboard

Go to your Google Calendar and click on + (Add other calendars) and choose From URL

Paste the link you copied into Workspace and click Add calendar

You can now see the calendar under Other Calendars, you can rename it in Google Calendar Settings.

The first thing you need to do to be able to add candidates of interest from your candidate base to the recruitment is to add a so-called pipe step. This is a column you can collect candidates you find in the candidate database and start processing to later add them to the recruitment process. Candidates who are placed in a pipe step do not receive an email at this stage that they are included in the recruitment process, but this is only sent when you add the candidate to a "regular" recruitment column.

Click the plus button and choose to add a pipe step.

You can name your pipe step whatever you want, but a pipe step always has an orange border so you can easily tell that this is such a column.

Candidates who are in your candidate base are the candidates who approved, via the application form when they apply for a position, that they want to be searchable there as well, and then be contacted by you related to other positions.

Click on the Candidate base tab and it will open up and you can start searching and filtering to find relevant candidates for the recruitment you are on.

You can search via, occupational category, city, grade, date, tags and free search. Click the search button and the list of candidates will show you the candidates that best fit your criteria.

To view the information on the candidate, click on one of the candidate cards and that candidate's application will open. The application that appears first is the one that is most relevant to the recruitment and your search criteria.

The first box shows the candidate's name and contact information.

The second box shows whether there are tags and the option to add tags.

The third box shows if the candidate has made more applications for other positions and you can browse through the different applications and select the one you want to use to add the candidate to the pipe step later.

If you want, you can tag the candidates who are in the candidate base so it will be easier for you to filter.

To add a tag to a candidate, click on the candidate in the candidate database, then on the pencil next to candidate tags, type what you want the tag to be, and click on the word in the list to add it. When you're done, click the green check.

Now you can filter that candidate on the tags you added.

To add one or more candidates in the pipe step, do the following:

Check the box for the candidate(s) you want to add.

Click the button with a figure and plus.

Choose which pipe step you want to put them in.


You can now see that the candidates you selected are in the pipe stage

In the same way that you can comment and communicate with candidates in a recruitment, you can do with candidates who are in a pipe step.

All comments and messages accompany the candidate when you add them to the recruitment in a regular column.

Worth knowing is that when a candidate is transferred from a pipe stage to a regular recruitment stage, a confirmation email is automatically sent out that he is current as a candidate in that recruitment.

För att lägga till en kandidat från ett pipe-steg till själva rekryteringen, så kandidaten blir aktiv som sökande för tjänsten, gör du precis som vanligt när du flyttar kandidater mellan kolumner.

Grab the candidate card with the mouse pointer and drag it to the step you wish to place the candidate.

A confirmation email is now sent out to the candidate telling them that they are current as a candidate in that recruitment process.

Once you move candidates from a pipe step to a regular column, you cannot put the candidate back into the pipe step. 

The first thing you need to do in order to send out reference requests to candidates is to create a form with questions for the references to fill out.

Start in the tab Recruitment and References, click on + Add question or start from one of our standard templates.

There are several types of question options:

Titel: Skriv in en rubrik för att enklare strukturera dina frågor

Text: Let the reference write an answer

Number: Ett fält där enbart siffror går att skriva in.

Multiple answers: Let the reference tick several options

1-5 rating: Have the reference choose a number from 1 to 5 on a scale

Drop down: Allow the reference to select only one answer option from a drop-down list

Single choice question: Let the reference choose an answer option with so-called Radio buttons

Numerisk intervall: Fält där enbart siffror går att skriva in. Två fält för att kunna skriva intervall.

When you are done with your form, click on Save.

At the top right you will find a list of templates. There are always three standard templates you can start from. But you can also create and save your own templates.

Start by creating your form with all the questions you want in the template. Then click Plus, name the template and choose whether to save it under My Templates or Company.

My templates: Only you as a user have access to these templates

Company: All users at the company have access to these templates.

If you want to delete a template you have created, load the template and then click on the red trash can.

If you want to update changes in a template, click on the blue diskette.

Go to the candidate you want to send the reference request to. Click on the menu and then on "Send reference request"

A pop-up appears with the message that goes out to candidates with a link to the page where they fill in contact details for their references.

This is where candidates enter their references' contact information. They can add multiple references via the button with a plus.

Go to the candidate list and tick the candidates you want to send the reference request to. Click the button with an old man and check mark in the toolbar.


A pop-up appears with the message that goes out to the candidates with a link to the page where they fill in contact details for their references.


This is where candidates enter their references' contact information. They can add multiple references via the button with a plus.

In cases where a reference prefers to be called to answer the questions, they can select the option "Yes call me instead" fill in or edit the phone number they want to be called on, and a notice and email will go out to you who requested the reference.

When you then call to get the reference, you can open the questions in the reference tab and directly fill in the answers

When you click save, the answers are locked, but you can choose to comment afterwards via the button for comments





To comment on the reference answers, open the reference tab on the desired candidate and click the button for comments.

The button indicates with a number if there are and how many comments there are on each question.

When you open up the comments, you see the friend who comments what and when, and via the three dots you can delete and edit your own comments

After you create and send out the reference request according to the steps above, the flow looks like this:

  1. Candidate receives email to provide references.

  2. Candidate fills in contact information for their references.

  3. Om kandidaten ska fylla i fler referenser klickar de på knappen ”+ Lägg till en referens till

  4. The references listed receive an email stating that they are a reference for the candidate and are asked to answer questions.

  5. The reference fills in the questionnaire with the reference questions.

  6. When they have answered, the answers are sent to the candidate's application in Workspace Recruit in the "references" tab, where you can view the answers.

With a Job portal, you can easily connect the recruitment tool with your own website. Via the portal, you list all vacancies you publish via Workspace Recruit.


In the first field, you can enter what you want to appear when you do not have any recruitments published.

Then you can choose whether you want the language in the portal to be in Swedish or English.


Under Recruitment list, you activate what information you want to be displayed in connection with the published recruitment.

Show filter:
Shows the field above the list of recruitments where candidates can filter by professional category, and freely search among recruitments.

Show Sorting:
Lets candidates and sort the list.

Show country, county and city:
Shows the geographic location you set under recruitment settings for the recruitment.

Show category:
Shows the occupational category you set for the recruitment.

Show application deadline:
Shows the date you set for the recruitment.

Show company name:
Shows the full name of the company account the recruitment is on. Useful in cases where you have a subsidiary structure set up.

Show company logo:
Adds the logo you uploaded to the Logo 1 box in recruitment settings.

Show recruitments for affiliate companies:
Shows the services you also publish via the Affiliate companies. Useful if you want to be able to list all open jobs in the same list, regardless of which subsidiary it is published through.

Application form:
If you want the titles of the fields in the application form to be above or inside the fields.


You can, if you want, style the portal. It automatically has a basic styling "Default", but if you want to style with your own colors etc., click on "Custom".

Here you can adjust which colors you want on the application form and buttons and the text in them. What color should it be when you hover the mouse pointer over a recruitment in the list.

If you want to be able to style it further, your IT can set up a CSS file that you paste the link to in the field for "URL for external CSS file".

You can also choose whether you want your vacancies to be displayed in a list or as boxes, see examples below:

The list looks like this:

Grid looks like this:

Which image you want to be displayed when you choose this layout, you set under recruitment settings on your recruitments under Recruitment image:

Under the "Highlighted recruitment" settings, you can highlight a particular recruitment, e.g. spontaneous application, Internship, or any other recruitment you want to highlight a little extra.

First, click on "Activated"

Then you can style how you want the section to look with background color, text color and how the button should look. 

You can enter an explanatory text and the Title automatically becomes the recruitment title you set on the recruitment you select in the list you want to highlight


To install the portal on your website, start by clicking the button "Code to generate the career portal"

A pop-up with a code snippet will appear, click "Copy Code"

Then whoever is in charge of your website can paste the code snippet on the page on your website where you want vacancies to appear. Either directly into the source code, via an HTML widget or something else depending on which system you use for the website.

All changes in settings and styling you make for the portal will be automatically adjusted even after the portal is installed, just make the changes you want and then click Save and the portal will be updated immediately with the new settings.

Under My files you can upload documents and image files you want to use to manage your recruitments and job advertisements. Any files you upload under My files are automatically only available and visible to you. The crossed-out eye icon indicates that the file is only available to you.


You can create a folder structure to easily divide your different files. To create a folder, click the folder button, name the folder and click the plus sign. The folder now ends up under the tab My files.

To delete a folder, click on the folder you want to delete, then on the trash can and agree to delete the folder.

Upload files

To upload a file, highlight the folder you want the file to be uploaded to, click the file button, select the file you want to upload.

Share a file

You can share files with other users in Workspace. Click on the file you want to share and then on the button with a curved arrow, enter the email of the user you want to share the file with and then on plus. The file will then be available to that user in their document bank under Shared files.

Download file

If you want to download a file, click on the file in question and then on the download button

Delete a file

Click on the file you want to delete and then click on the trash can to delete it.


You can upload files per company and per recruitment. Click on the plus sign at Company so you see which companies you have access to and under the company which recruitments you have access to.

Click on one of the recruitments and you will see if there are files uploaded for that recruitment.

Upload files

To upload a file, select the company or recruitment you want the file to be uploaded to, click the file button, select the file you want to upload. Files you upload to companies and recruitments automatically have access to all users. Files you upload to Rekrytering automatically become available externally so they can be displayed in the job advertisement.



The icons you see in your lists of files mean that the file is only visible to you or that the file is accessible externally.

Crossed out eye

The crossed-out eye icon indicates that the file is only visible to you. If you want to open up so that other users can see the file, click on the three dots and select Make visible to other users

Three figures

The icon with three figures indicates that the file is accessible externally, e.g. that the image is visible in the job advertisement. Files uploaded on recruitments automatically become available externally. If you want to change so that the file is not available externally, click on the three points and select Lock for external access

It is only those who have the authorization Company admin that can add new users to your account in Workspace Recruit. Go to company settings. In the menu on the left, click on Users, then on the button New user and fill in the email address of the person to be added as a user. click Add. Done!

If the user should only have access to certain recruitments, leave the slider below Company admin of. Should the user have full access to everything at the company, slide the slider so it turns blue.

Name, mobile number, and password are entered by the person themselves when activating their user. For instructions on how to activate your user see the section- Activate user & Login higher up on this page.

Should you need to resend the activation email to the user, click on the blue letter next to the user and it will be sent out again.


Company Authorizations

Company Admin:
Behörighet till allt på företagskontot. Göra ändringar på företagsnivå, lägga till / ta bort användare, ändra behörigheter, skapa mail-mallar, ändra i automatiska utskick, skapa dotterbolag, tillgång till att se alla rekryteringar.

A user who should not be able to edit at the company level is left blank. These users are assigned authorization for specific recruitments instead and then only see the recruitments for which they are granted authorization.


Recruiting Authorizations

Recruitment admin:
Eligibility for the recruitment. The user can edit in recruitment, publish/unpublish job ads, edit in the recruitment steps, manage candidates, assign users authorization to the recruitment they themselves have authorization to, and more. The user who creates recruitment automatically becomes Recruitment admin.

Eligibility for the recruitment. Can only manage candidates such as, read CVs, rank candidates, move candidates between recruitment stages, communicate with candidates externally and more.

View only
Eligibility for the recruitment. The user can only read the applications but cannot edit, grade, comment or communicate with the candidates.

The user does not have authorization and cannot see the recruitment.

As a Company Admin, you can adjust all emails that are automatically sent out from Workspace, for example when a user is added to the company or confirmation to a candidate who has submitted an application, etc. (Confirmation emails to candidates can also be edited per recruitment)

Select the email template you want to adjust and the email content will be loaded into the Template Content box.

Make the adjustments you want to make, use it # if you want the data to be automatically downloaded. When you are done click on Save.


As a Company Admin, you can create a fixed Header and Footer that is visible on all your job advertisements. click Ad header and footer. Choose language (Swedish or English) and write what you want as Header and Footer in your job ads and click Save.

See Example

And this is how it now looks in all your job ads:


You can adapt the conditions that the candidate must accept when they make an application via Workspace according to your company's conditions. Choose whether you want them to be entered in Swedish or English and make the desired adjustments in the text. Then click on Save. You can only have one template for Application conditions.


As a Company Admin, you can create a subsidiary company. The subsidiary has its own set of users, templates and recruitments.

Click on the button New affiliate and fill in the company information in the fields. click Create. You can now create recruitments in the subsidiary.

Ja tack! jag vill ta del av sommarerbjudandet!

Fyll i formuläret nedan så kontaktar vi dig så snart vi kan!

Tack !

Vi hör av oss så snart vi kan!


kontakta mig!

Fyll i formuläret nedan så kontaktar vi dig så snart vi kan!

Tack !

Härligt att du är nyfiken på vårt rekryteringsverktyg.
Vi hör av oss så snart vi kan och bokar in en tid som passar. Vi hörs!


boka demo !

Vill du ha en rundtur av Workspace Recruit?
Boka en demo så visar vi dig hur enkelt det kan vara att rekrytera!